Welcome to Trailbound Trips!
Our outdoor adventures delight, inspire, encourage, and strengthen women.
Explore and enjoy the Midwest’s most beautiful gems. Dogsled through Lake Superiors Northwoods, kayak gentle streams under covered bridges, hike behind waterfalls and canyons, bike through woodlands and meadows, savor vistas and sunsets from 500-foot bluffs. (Trails by day lodges by night.)
Join us for fun hiking, bicycling and kayaking day trips in Northern Illinois wild places. Bike under canopies of autumn color and along rippling streams, hike through forests dappled with spring wildflowers or in tall grass prairies paddle some of our areas loveliest lakes and streams, discover coyote dens and follow deer paths walk through pristine winter wonderlands.
Breathtaking beauty, unforgettable trails, and true outdoor adventure. Your own adventurous spirit, renewed confidence, and exhilaration. Tranquility: time to walk in silence, savor beauty, play outdoors again. Friends who share your love of nature and the outdoors. New ways to view nature and yourself through nature-based discussions.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do ...”
— Mark Twain